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Revelation International Schools is a classical Christian nursery, pRCMIary and technical boarding school which will provide an exceptional academic education for up to 800 vulnerable children in Soroti, Uganda.The school is located along Lira road 3km from Soroti town.
We provide every student with a loving home, invested house parents, excellent teachers, nutritious food, great extra-curricular opportunities, strong academics, and vocational studies all within a biblical worldview. We believe God made each of these children in His image which gives them infinite and eternal value. RIS is a unique and transformational opportunity to educate and empower the young people of Uganda with God’s love. Please come join us in this incredible adventure!


Biblical Truth


Image of God
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27
We must start here. One of the fundamental differences at RIS is that we believe children are created in the image of God. This means they are valuable not for what they can do, but for who (and Whose) they are. This also means they have eternal significance.

  • Word of God
  • Classical Education
  • Biblical Relationships
  • Trust
  • Family Involvement
  • Community School
  • Service
  • Christ-Centered
  • Wisdom

RIS School’s Statement of Faith
At RIS, education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on Truth, Goodness, and Beauty so that in Christ a student is better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God.
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RIS desires to graduate young Ugandan men and women who will love the Lord with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength. We expect graduates to be skillful in using the tools of learning: to think critically, listen carefully with discernment and understanding, reason persuasively, and articulate precisely. We intend for our graduates to be exposed to the Classical virtues of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in order to demonstrate those through the Spiritual virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. We endeavor for our graduates to be socially graceful and spiritually gracious, having strong integrity and a lifelong passion for learning. We strive to produce graduates who will not conform to the pattern of this world, but are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ: serving sacrificially, profoundly impacting their families and communities in Uganda, and boldly bringing the message of Christ’s salvation to a broken world. Ultimately, our desire is that all RIS graduates, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, will do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God.
Students & Parents
RIS is a classical nursery, primary and technical boarding and day school located along Lira road We offer a top-notch academic education nursery up to technical level. RIS focuses on excellent academics, critical thinking, servant leadership, nurturing relationships, and a Christian Worldview. We believe that every child is made in the image of God and has infinite worth. Our well-trained school staff is life-long learners and come from all over the world. We all share a passion for giving Ugandan high school students the tools of learning so they will be able to live life fully for the glory of God.

A passionate follower of Jesus Christ
An exceptional and motivational middle and/or high school certified educator with a passion for learning and a gift for teaching
Humble and willing to learn
In good health and adventurous
Willing to make a (minimum) two-Year commitment and raise your own salary support for that time period
Flexible and willing to live in close community with others in a third world country

Teachers & Administrators

RIS is now recruiting seven (7) administrators and teachers to begin training in the fall of 2016 and working in September 2016. If you are interested in more information about being a teacher or administrator at RIS , please fill out and submit the prospective staff interest form below.

Education sponsorship outreach
Our Education Sponsorship Program is focused on providing the opportunity for children in the Teso area to receive education, nutrition, medical care and discipleship that would otherwise not be available to them.
The burden of school fees is one that many parents and guardians in Uganda face. Many even drop their children off at orphanages – not because they were orphans, but because there they would be promised to attend school, eat three meals a day and receive medical care.This conviction, along with our understanding of the importance of family and the burden of school fees, led RIS to start our Education Sponsorship Outreach. If these children could not receive an education, they would grow up to live the same kind of lives their parents and grandparents were living – unable to secure a job and unable to send their own children to school, thus continuing the cycle of poverty. We knew that RCMI alone would not change this village, but educated children could.
Each child is assigned a mentor who is a trained social worker that monitors the child’s growth, makes sure all the child’s needs are met and builds an encouraging relationship with him or her. More importantly, we wish to share God’s love with these children and help disciple them in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We invite our sponsored nursery and primary children to gather together at our land for Saturday Fellowship, where they worship and learn Biblical truths. We want these children to know life to the fullest in a relationship with Jesus here on earth and life everlasting with Him in heaven someday.
The children are fed a heaping plate of chicken, rice, and beans and after their stomachs are filled, the children get a few hours to play with their many friends. They enjoy running and climbing on the playground, swing on the swings, playing soccer, jumping rope and throwing netball.
Saturday is a fun day when we can spend quality time with the children to build up trust and develop stronger relationships with them. Most importantly this is a day to thank and praise our Savior as the children learn more about who He is and how great His love is for each one of us!
Sponsor a Child

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