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Every week, a group gathers. Ladies come carrying their little ones, out from their homes, leaving their cooking saucepans.

They gather to make pads and packaging in order to earn income to sustain their families

At the beginning of 2011, RCMI started the pad project, because we saw the need to develop a self-sustaining vocational program for mothers in the Danida community. Our desire is to empower these women, to provide hope for their families, and to see the Gospel to take root in their lives.

RCMI desires to see all the women in this group come to know Jesus who alone transforms lives and eternities. We believe that these women, empowered by Jesus Christ, have the power to change their community.

As an added bonus, RCMI is able to sell these necklaces for a little more than the women make each week. All proceeds from the pads go toward the funding of the Dakabela Feeding Outreach, where children from the community are fed lunch daily.

Through these vocational programs, RCMI hopes to instill the will and desire to restore dignity, and empower the Ugandan people to work their way out of poverty

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