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Although Uganda has seen a lot of urbanization in the past few years, the majority of Ugandans are still subsistence farmers — working tirelessly to provide enough to feed their families.

Uganda’s two rainy seasons and plentiful sunshine should mean that families have the ability to grow plenty of food to sustain them throughout the year. Unfortunately, poor farming practices and loss of motivation has left many fields in poor condition, and families who struggle to find enough to eat.

In an effort to continually improve our programs and help the families we work with become more self-reliant, RCMI Farming Outreach was started in 2014. We have a piggery project which is sustained by output from the crops grown. By selecting “vocational program” when making a donation, you enable RCMI to reach more families with the RCMI Farming Outreach.

​For more information about the Farming God’s Way curriculum that we utilize for our Farming Outreach.

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